Friday, March 13, 2009

good morning sunshine!

yes yes.
kamini feels like a flower today.
no more the sad, dead aquatic animal from yesterday :)
so yeah. i was reading the papers today. well, yesterday's papers.
and i found a couple of things worth thinking about.

first off.

Andrew Lloyd Webber's cats is premiering in singapore! from the 10th of april till the 3rd of may. Esplanade theatre. ticket prices range from S$40 to S$170. so yeah. i thought it valuable information to all you theatre enthusiasts.
more info:

ok. moving on....

Klpac is recruiting T4YP recruits. thats, Theatre For Young People, mind you.
just go to and click on the AUDITION: T4YP Ensemble 2009. It's in red. right hand side of the homepage. can't miss it even if you try. oh yes, by the way. you have to be between the ages of 16 and 25. they are a couple of things you have to do before you audition, so if you're giving it more than a little thought, go check the website out.


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