Saturday, April 18, 2009


i thought today was. well. i'm rendered speechless.
let me tell you, i've never felt such a beautiful feeling in a very long time.
as some of you may agree, this wasn't one of our best weeks, but we managed to pull through (barely.) the pride in me is slowly swelling into abnormality.
i like it.

so much fun.
a word i wouldn't have used that word to desribe ANYTHING the last few days. it's awesome isn't it? how things turn out so amazing at the end.
i like how we won. even if we never were in the race.
sweat.blood.and tears. nothing but migrains and japanese plasters.
with the pain comes the glory. i'll tell you that much.

ahhh. we did it, didn't we? we made freaking history. our very own history. i'm so proud. do you know, you make me proud?
ily saxes. ily everyone who helped us kick @*! today. thanks for being there for me. you would know if you were.

i'll tell you what this is.
the best thing thats happened to me. period.


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