Wednesday, October 28, 2009

silence, moron.

i think i have lost my blogging mojo :O
mojo. heh.
BUT. KLCC today was pweety funn XD
I LOVE KINOKUNIYA. bigbigbig. and so many pretty books. I'll probably be camping out in our school library, and thanks to us, so will you :)
will try my best to resist temptation on sunday. ohno :(

Things i need:
i. a new schoolbag to compensate for the one i trashed.
ii. orange shoes.
iii. rayban avis. oh Lordy and i neeed them fast.

Today. I learnt that Lin and Darshi can't get enough of me, Yoges is just a little awkward, and Amelia is out to sabo me.
Love only begets cruelty on this side of town.

I put on a sad face :( ------> (sad face)

Meanwhile. I think I am slowly coming to terms with the fact that I can only be my own competition. Weird? No. What you said today was true. Butttt. Pa still almost got a heart attack. Whats going to happen? S.H.I.T jokes aside, there isn't an outlet to a smoother path. There really isn't. I'm pretty fine. Theres just the problem of Everyone Else. Hmm.
Try, try, try. They don't really mean that. What they really mean is, get it done. at all costs.
If its any compensation, i did try. I really did.

I haven't come to terms with anything. I really haven't.

chains and sewing machines.
Its going to be a miracle if i wake up tomorrow. smiling at least.

word of the day: Consequences.
wanna drop from a plane and not be afraid to fall. Whadya think? NZ. Let me fall would you?

if the 22nd of november didn't exist, it would be a pity cause i would have missed out on a friend. no. its not just another day.

P.S. Chels girl, my prayers are with youu darling. Ily :)
in my ears,
imogen heap: hide and seek.
(forgot all about her amazing voice. thank youu for the resurrection, banana)


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