Time flies so fast. last rehearsal before the BIG day.
Considering the amount of pressure building up these past few days, today was a breeze. And a truckload of fun. o.i people are such retards XD
Heaps of spirit now :) Rafidah. I can just feel it in my bones. The truth is, we've got so much to lose. But, even more to win Something worth fighting for. And we Assuntarians, don't settle for anything less we rightfully deserve, I assure you.
No more comparing. We're starting on a clean slate. Blank pages we want to fill with our very own Herstories once again :)
Heyy. so what school are you guys from?
Word of the day: Ma-KEOVER :D
in my ears,
queen: bohemian rhapsody
P.S. A HUGE bear hug to everyone who's been asking if everythings alright. Scripts coming along well. Thank you. Love you all.
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