the big
150!Yep. A rap for Lit Nite '10.
About a week ago, I remember standing behind the red curtains, thinking how tired I'd gotten of all the stupid headaches and worried thoughts plaguing my mind. Today, I'm thinking of how I wouldn't have traded a single second, for the world :)
I guess thats what literature does to you.
Ahh. The feeling of simply living in the moment, is scrumptiously exhilarating.
Put aside all the screaming, unsticky-sticky tapes, exchanging horrified looks as soon as the wrong song came on, and whatever else have you, I had a TREMENDOUS load of fun :D
If you were there, I'm sure you would have had a good load yourself XD
3 days later, and I'm already missing my Words for my Beau and WSS dudes :( I miss wheatgrass and odd-houred lunch breaks, japo girls and hot indian 'men', recording fun, Victor Ngow and SALSA :D
Oh, and Nicky's back-seat paranoia :)Its amazing how the Lit Nite experience really is one, you won't find many places else. Once its all done and things have turned out much better than expected, it leaves a bit of an empty feeling inside. Not the big black hole kind, sucking in everything in its path, spiralling into infinite emptiness or whatever.
The good kind, the kind attracting only the most positive energy, the sort of hunger for the sweet sweet memories, only Facebook can feed.
To my Words for my Beau: A potpourri of prose darlings, I miss you all very much, and you really made me proud. Theres no words to express the kind of feeling I felt, seeing you all on stage. After everything that was said, looks like we came out one of the lucky ones. Despite all the miss-happenings, we pulled through :)
Ahh. Some good times those were. Simply, very honoured to be given some lovelylovely oppurtunities.
As FB reads,
to new-found friends and rekindled relationships. I'm sure it isn't over yet :)
It feels AWESOME to have pulled through, after all the S*!t we've been through, it puts a smile on my face, just thinking of what we've achieved. Kudos, to Nicky, and to us :)
Aaaaand, my friend. I'm very proud of you. Didn't I say you'd make it happen, somehow? :)To the form 5's
we'll do it again sometime.
CHEERS, to a hell of a great time.
Thought of the day: 15 minutes XD
in my ears,
ke$ha: your love is my drug XD