It's one of those days, where you're bumming about. The lack-lustre of emotions brings about the conjuring of various epihanies in my brain.
With my back against the wall, and an awkward feeling in my chest, I ponder about how the Earth, as if, owning a subconcious part of mind, spins as it's inhabitants obliviously go ahead with their lives. As it, if at any moment, the spinning were to stop, no one would even flinch.
You can probably tell, I've had a rather mediocre weekend, comparatively.
Looks like everyone sorta had fun. Not so bad, myself.
I guess.
Thats just it, about leaving for 3 months.
By the time you come home, everyones had fun and the party is over.
Being left out. I abhor it.
Word of the day: Navidt : )
in my ears,
p!nk: who knew
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