Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Rain, rain go away. Don't bother coming back any other day.

What is it with today being everyones crappy day. This could just possibly be, the first one of the year, for me. Scratch that. *life, please don't prove me wrong, it's not a challenge* Anyway, was expecting to do much more exciting things today. Just that, expectation can bring the most disappointment. Stupid weather. Talk about bad timing. I realise something about believing that everything happens for a reason. The most difficult part of believing, is first, convincing one's self. Anyway, I've had a tough past week, gearing up for the season's first workshop performance (which went on, thankfully, without any glitches) I must say, the KLPac family really are such lovely people. A breath of fresh air from the likes of high-school. '11 T4YP buddies really are a joy to be around. Waiting for tomorrow, with bated breath. First mainstage production. It definitely looks more intimidating in print. Today was 100%, without a doubt, a bummer. When everyone's talking about it tomorrow, all I get to do is sit and wait for my turn : ( Lets hope the theatre Gods are on my side. IndicineLive popularity really can bring out the worst in you. Me, I mean. MEH. It looks fantastic, though. Running straight on till the 17th, KLPac. HI.LA.RI.OUS. Butterflies in my tummy, just in time for rehearsal tomorrow. Fabulous. Word of the day: Stuff
in my ears,

bjork: all is full of love


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