happy easter :)
we were pretty sure we got the dates wrong. even after 40-meatless days. it just didn't feel like easter. easter! easter! easter! see? no fireworks. no nothing. but. then again. we were all together. it felt. like home again. home. i like that.
while we were at grandma's.
we had too much time. and the need to do something in black and white kept wacking me at the side of the head, it became impossible to ignore. so, here's to inspiration.
we were actually going for something along the lines of a Levi's advert. but that didn't work out cause then i'd have to be out of the picture to take it. and nobody do it like i do it, so. no.
perspective is pretty sweet here cause i was sitting on TOP of the monkey bars.
oh mann. i love my cammy. and everyone loves the idea of saving up to buy a DSLR for me. to take pictures of them. geez.
but it's the thought that counts, right? ok. so after the whole thing at grandma's, the four of us Starbucks-ed. the baristas were really high.
waaay up there. pheew.
well. thats that.
i really miss us.
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