Sunday, March 29, 2009


there are soooo many things i am DYING to write about, pictures to post and videos to 'lyao' at. unfortunately. time supercedes my craving.
boo hoo. for me.
all i wanted to say, is that. despite myself. i haven't forgotten about my blog. actually. i think about it everyday. you might say. selective memory? no.
more like. lack of- memory. forgive me, those who have to put up with it :)

most unfortunately. my darling daddy is leaving for his roadshow once again. and will be taking the broadband with him. and as some of you may agree, streamyx. well. should just fall of a cliff.
so no updates, till I have time to visit a starbucks :)

i will be missing you pa.

till he comes back,
keep loving yourselves.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

well good morning civilization!

i'm back. evidently.
band camp was *insert adjective of choice*
more on that later.

Those of you guys who were silently savouring your week, busy basking in the glory of nothing-ness. point and laugh all you want. cause i wasn't. (or rather, we weren't). Homework seems trivial compared to what we did and will continue to do till the 18th of April.
i don't know if i'm glad to be back, which would have been real rot a couple of days ago. Despite being 'beat like a dead fish' (refer to facebook profile), I continue to wake up at 12.45a.m :)
I find, i have lost all sense of time and direction.

fabulous. looks like nothing much has changed.

Monday, March 16, 2009

tagger deficiency.

i forgot.

as you would have probably realised. i am c-box-less. and suffer from lack of link-list

so leave a comment if you will.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

" Eh-Oh!"

well. apparently, we learn new things everyday.

the day before. i finally decided to clear all doubts and Blackled Tinky-Winky. Yes, don't give me that look. Tinky-Winky. The purple thing (nobody really knows what they are. so i'm thinking dolphin-ish or marshmallow) from the Teletubies. He's gay? Gay role model, excuse you.

Purple = gay pride colour
Triangle = gay pride symbol.

Don't get me wrong.
I have zilch problem with that.
But what i do find interesting is that there are people jobless enough to charge a marshmallow (unless someone can tell me what a 'tubby' is, marshmallow it is) for being gay. Yeah. And how the heaven do they even know he's a guy, cause you sure can't see it from the outside, thats what i'm telling you.

Aiyoh. So what if the thing carries a handbag. Or magic purse or whatever. What happened to freedom of expression and all that? Geez.

Moral of the story is. Refrain from being purple and do not grow triangles on your head.
Pfft. Hypocrites.

Friday, March 13, 2009

good morning sunshine!

yes yes.
kamini feels like a flower today.
no more the sad, dead aquatic animal from yesterday :)
so yeah. i was reading the papers today. well, yesterday's papers.
and i found a couple of things worth thinking about.

first off.

Andrew Lloyd Webber's cats is premiering in singapore! from the 10th of april till the 3rd of may. Esplanade theatre. ticket prices range from S$40 to S$170. so yeah. i thought it valuable information to all you theatre enthusiasts.
more info:

ok. moving on....

Klpac is recruiting T4YP recruits. thats, Theatre For Young People, mind you.
just go to and click on the AUDITION: T4YP Ensemble 2009. It's in red. right hand side of the homepage. can't miss it even if you try. oh yes, by the way. you have to be between the ages of 16 and 25. they are a couple of things you have to do before you audition, so if you're giving it more than a little thought, go check the website out.


oh. yes

to my saxophonists

thank you for calling!

i'll be fine :)


thats right.
i feel like a fishstick.
a cold. dry dead fish.
in stick form.

my tired, overtime-doing self has finally taken it's toll.
so to all of you who think i LIKE to MAKE myself SEEM busy, i also LIKE alien body temperatures and jackhammer headaches.
i only have one question...

why TODAY???!!!

biology. and math. my favourites. weeeee.

great. just great. although, sources have confirmed that both were reasonably do-able. that just means that fantastically sick me has to park her behind and study during the weekend. whatever lah. not my fault God doesn't like bio. well. i like looking at the bright side, and the bright side is.

exams are over babeh! the sleepless nights, potato sacks under my eyes. i won't have time to miss it.

but then again. bio and math.
good. that means i care.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

minute muses :)

i was thinking about this one. courtesy of a samsung L100 digi cam. the small thing was just crying out for a photo op, i just couldn't resist. i think it radiates calm vibes. pretty silver calm vibes.

pretty. pretty. pretty.

speaking of pretty things, and since you are already here. scroll down my playlist and look for aqueous transmission by incubus. EPIC, like you never knew.

so anyways, i say,

start tiny, dream big.

my motto in life:
big things come in small packages.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


also known as. foot fetishism.

for some reason I am greatly intrigued. allow me to enlighten you.

apparently it is the most common form of fetishism amidst a whole lot of other wacked out things. Foot fetishists are ''attracted'' to the shape and size of a person's foot. For example, some like flat feet, thin soles, fat feet, long toenails, a certain colour of nails.
Finally, my favourite. Foot odour.

moving on.

one type of foot fetishism is actually the chinese lotus-bound feet thing. yeah. back then where some head cases were into deformed feet. another space job foot fetishist was the legendary, Ted Bundy. Google him. You'll have a good time.

The nutso actually used to choose his victims according to how 'beautiful' their feet were. seriously, go google the wack job.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

finally here :)

after weeks of contemplation.
i decided to start my own blog.

since it's my first post. i've decided to tell the world why i started the blog.

basically. i started it cause i have to much to say and nobody wants to listen.
and i figured it's probably best to record all the crap i say somewhere so. yeah.
i like random pearls of deep thought.

enjoy as i continue to explore the infinite possibilities of our otherwise ambiguous lives.

yeah. whatever.