Sunday, March 6, 2011

Who in the world do I think I am?

Today, feels extremely. Odd.
The sun is shining and butterflies a-flutter. The window wide open so as to usher in a bright Monday. No reason to suffer from any sort of Monday blues, and yet, this feeling of un-rest, frustration and restlessness.
How human it is to make it our obligation to be constantly dissatisfied.

I can't tell if its the jitters or simply due to the fact that I haven't actually had SUBSTANTIAL human contact with the outside world for a few weeks now.

As everyone is probably hugely aware by the upcoming results release day, I start to think of how my plans to use the few months I lay idle at home, to plan my life's course has failed (?)
Failure. I am pretty bold to use such a descriptive, but to think of how fickle minded I have become and how these past few months have steered me into the directions of SO many other career oppurtunities and courses have left me completely DUMBFOUNDED.
Who knew the world was literally quite so vast.
Sometimes, I actually do wish I didn't have a choice but to have someone else steer me into SOME direction, leaving me with no choice but to adhere. My somewhat unconventional ideas in line with my future have taken a 180.

From music, to theatre to political science to, fairly recently, journalism.
Yes, I've had my fair share of awkward looks when asked my plans for whats to come.
And also my share of wide smiles and inspiring words :)
Oppurtunities, choices. My cuss words.

My life would be much easier if I wanted to be a doctor or something. Although, definitely more dry.

Word of the day: Regret?
in my ears,
bruno mars: the lazy song
story of my life.


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