cheers to our weekend :)
Thursday, April 30, 2009
cheers to our weekend :)
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
haha. andrea and the dancefloor. :)
*cue gossip girl theme song*
oh mann. there were fireworks on the cake.
yes. a freaking red carpet for the girl. we love you abi <3
sorry jai.
but i kinda like this one. :)
ok. next superawesomeweekend.
*ahem* notice the gentle reminder about your reports.
all the pictures are on my fb profile. so yeah. grab and tag.
please and thank you.
but. needless to say. what an awesome night :) you know? sometimes you have a feeling. or THE feeling where you just know, this is what I wanna do. yeah, THAT feeling. also, a certain sense of humility. knowing, this is where i wanna be. but theres a long way to go.
i tell you.
it was love at first sound.
congrats to a certain ms. cm :)
as the card reads. we <3>
Saturday, April 18, 2009
let me tell you, i've never felt such a beautiful feeling in a very long time.
as some of you may agree, this wasn't one of our best weeks, but we managed to pull through (barely.) the pride in me is slowly swelling into abnormality.
i like it.
so much fun.
a word i wouldn't have used that word to desribe ANYTHING the last few days. it's awesome isn't it? how things turn out so amazing at the end.
i like how we won. even if we never were in the race.
sweat.blood.and tears. nothing but migrains and japanese plasters.
with the pain comes the glory. i'll tell you that much.
ahhh. we did it, didn't we? we made freaking history. our very own history. i'm so proud. do you know, you make me proud?
ily saxes. ily everyone who helped us kick @*! today. thanks for being there for me. you would know if you were.
i'll tell you what this is.
the best thing thats happened to me. period.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
good day. bad day.
but anyways.
someone very close to me is suffering deep heartache today. you probably won't read this. ever. but i still want you to know that i love you and will always be here for you. i want you to know that we all have to go through this. her will power and strength was. amazing. everything she went through. the pain and suffering was just to hold on one more day, for you. i'm sorry we never had the chance to say goodbye. and i'm sorry you didn't either. but God has a reason for everything he does. i want to say so much more but don't have the words for it. only, let her go and know that shes in a better place.
me to you.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
happy easter :)
we were actually going for something along the lines of a Levi's advert. but that didn't work out cause then i'd have to be out of the picture to take it. and nobody do it like i do it, so. no.
perspective is pretty sweet here cause i was sitting on TOP of the monkey bars.
oh mann. i love my cammy. and everyone loves the idea of saving up to buy a DSLR for me. to take pictures of them. geez.
but it's the thought that counts, right? ok. so after the whole thing at grandma's, the four of us Starbucks-ed. the baristas were really high.
waaay up there. pheew.
well. thats that.
i really miss us.
Monday, April 6, 2009
frozen in time.
i need a breve. a sostenuto breve.
ahh, time.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
musings from yesterday.
to finish from where i'd left off.